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Resurface prior thoughts by including random notes in obsidian daily note template


One of the things I missed after abandoning Readwise for Wallabag was the serendipitous resurfacing of old highlights, that would often trigger new thoughts. To include some extra serendipity into my daily notemaking, I made a slight modification to the snippet provided by dhniceday to show use the dataview plugin to show a couple of random notes from your vault everytime you open your daily note:

## Random notes
const files = app.vault.getFiles() 
for (i=0; i<3;i++) {
	const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (files.length - 1)) 
	const randomNote = files[random] 
	dv.paragraph('[[' + randomNote.basename + ']]') 

There are some great other ideas on serendipity in at the obsidian serendipity blog

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