

Peter Peerdeman

Hashbang B.V.

My name is Peter Peerdeman, I'm a technologist with over 15 years of experience in the technology industry. I've embraced various roles ranging from tech leadership and AI consultancy to business development, account management and sales as the managing partner of a software development agency.

Hashbang B.V. is the legal entity for my freelance work. I use hashbang.nl as s a knowledge sharing platform for my technical interests, for all of my other writing check out my other published notes.

the hashbang is a character sequence of the number sign and an exclamation mark (#!), used at the beginning of a (bash) script and more recently used by facebook and twitter announce a single page application to the google search engine.

Recent Engagements


TechMiners provides a comprehensive due diligence process and tooling, enabling the highly experienced team of CTOs to efficiently conduct a deep analysis of an organization’s technology, team, culture, and scalability.

At TechMiners I'm responsible for running tech due diligence on companies ranging from small AI startups to large software product enterprises by interviewing c-level and staff engineers, deep diving into the code and reading documentation to collect strengths, findings and recommendations.

Stichting de Schoolschrijver

Stichting De Schoolschrijver is a non-profit organisation that develops a unique, innovative and scientifically proven educational method that improves the reading and writing skills of children.

At De Schoolschrijver I performed an IT landscape and security scan, conducting interviews and analysing documentation and systems and report on findings and recommendations. Several critical findings of the report were quickly mitigated by the team and involved third party vendors by following the proposed recommendations and practical next steps.


NPS 10/10, Many thanks to you and your team for the professional and efficient process.

CEO Telco product enterprise, Tech Due Diligence project for TechMiners.com

NPS 10/10, Knowledgable analysts that were easy to talk to. Straight to the point and very helpful in pointing out areas for improvement and giving recommendations on how to implement them"

Lead Tech AI HR-tech startup, Tech Due Diligence project for TechMiners.com

Much appreciated your responsiveness and flexibility.

Managing Director Investment Advisory firm, Tech Due Diligence project for TechMiners.com

Je deed geweldig werk Peter, mega-efficiente werkwijze en kraakheldere rapportage. Zeer aan te bevelen aan andere opdrachtgevers 🚀.

Founder and CEO Stichting De Schoolschrijver

Danke für die tolle Zusammenarbeit und vor allem großes Lob an Peter für die Extra Mile trotz anfangs widriger Zustände.

Global Strategy & Ventures, Retail Software Group

Former Positions

Managing Partner at Lifely (Sep 2013 - Dec 2023)

As managing partner with technical background I was responsible for business development, strategic partnerships and technical consulting within our AI and product development propositions.

Managing Partner at INFO (Jan 2023 - Oct 2023

As managing partner I was responsible for technical business development in public government and contracted 2 multi year development projects through public european tenders.

Chief Technology Officer at Bundlin (May 2014 - Oct 2015)

At Bundlin I was responsible for all technical design, engineering, quality assurance of the platform and lead the development team. Bundlin was launched in November 2014, featured on product hunt and exhibited on WebSummit 2014 in Dublin.

Business Details