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Moving to our own Meteor Docker infrastructure
- Authors
- Name
- Peter Peerdeman
- @peterpeerdeman
After working with a meteor hosting provider for a while we decided to move our meteor applications to our own hosted environments. In this presentation I explain why and how we did this.
- application portability
- availability problems
- slow support response
- control over servers and expenses
- scalability and reproducability
- Docker
- Jenkins
- DigitalOcean
- Ops experience required
- Plenty of alternatives (modulus, scalingo, galaxy)
- Image building lengthens deploy loop cycle
- Own loadbalancing required when scaling
- Hassle free instance creation
- Full control over servers/ instances
- Portability of application
- Cheaper than hosted alternatives
The slides and materials can be found on github
This talk was given on 09-12-2015 at the "Migrating to Meteor meetup", hosted by Lifely in Amsterdam