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Meteor and isomorphic javascript at JSMVC 15 in Amsterdam
- Authors
- Name
- Peter Peerdeman
- @peterpeerdeman
This talk was given on 16-03-2016 at the JSMVC Meetup #15 hosted at Lifely office.
Meteor & isomorphic JavaScript by Peter Peerdeman
The Lifely team has a big Meteor application running in production. Peter would love to show you what the advantages and disadvantages were of using this full stack javascript framework and how that “isomorphic” code is shared between front- and backend.
Check meetup page at https://www.meetup.com/JavaScript-MVC-Meetup-Amsterdam/events/228759804/
The slidedeck can be found on https://peterpeerdeman.github.io/meteor-and-isomorphic-javascript/